Grain of Rice
Swahili Proverb Brass Bracelet
Swahili Proverb Brass Bracelet
This hand hammered brass bracelet is stamped with the Swahili proverb, Kidogo kidogo hujaza kibaba, which means "little by little fills the cup." This saying is our motto at Grain of Rice Project and at our Kenyan primary school, Grain of Rice Academy. Although each grain of rice is small, many grains of rice combined together amount to something bigger. In the same way, each of us can do our own small part to help make a difference around the world.
These bracelets were created by George. George uses old locks, water faucet pieces, bicycle parts and other scrap brass material, which he melts down and pours into handmade molds to create these bracelets. He stamps on each letter of the proverb by hand.
Proceeds from the sale of this bracelet will be donated to support our primary school in Nanyuki, Kenya.